Christmas At Bayside

It might not be your "typical" Christmas service, but it drew over 30,000 people to a church building (and made the news), was watched by hundreds around the world through live streaming and shared the "reason for the season" with many who had never heard it before. With concert style lighting, LED panels and a 15 minute instrumental piece (inspired by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra) that included a spinning drum solo, it was amazing, groundbreaking and meaningful. Ray Johnston took the opportunity to preach the full message of Christmas, not a watered down version that other churches might give when they have thousands of people come into their buildings once a year and when thousands of candles were lit at the end of each service it was breathtaking. Just think how your light can shine, one light may not seem too bright, but when that one light joins with others, it can light up a worship center, a room or the world.

Picture's from


Unknown said…
Great photos! Thanks for sharing! Agree--it was amazing!

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