New Office, Take Two

In late December 2010 my company, AugustineIdeas moved from our office in Rocklin to a newer, larger office that was more centrally located in Roseville.  I was fortunate enough to have a real office (door and all) to share with my fellow PR partner in crime.  We made that our home, complete with artwork and "decorator items" for a few weeks until the company realized that we needed to continue expanding.  Luckily our suite had an empty suite next door, we knocked down a wall and presto, more office space.  Now my partner in media relations and I share an office that is twice the size of our old one and even has a window! As members of the Engagement Department our teammates moved with us and the new wing of the office has been coined the "Digital Underground." Once everything is decorated I'll post more pictures, but for now, here are some pictures of my area and our gigantic bulletin board that will be home to anything and everything we create or find on the internet that looks cool.


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