Facebook Menlo Park

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I was fortunate enough to visit Facebook's new campus in Menlo Park on Monday. I was able to have lunch with my sister-in-law, see her new office and meet some of the amazing staff. Facebook has around 3,200 employees, yet is valued at $75-$100 billion according to many. Nearly 500 million people log into Facebook daily and nearly one billion log in at least one a month. The numbers are astounding, but what strikes me is how normal and how dedicated each and every employee is. All are working towards the organization's mission of giving its users "the power to share and make the world more open and connected."

Below are a few pictures from my most recent visit. The campus is still under construction, which is a fitting backdrop for a company that continues to innovate and create new models for users to engage with its product, partner companies and advertisers.
CNBC was able to go to a few places I wasn't, check out their slideshow.


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