Meritage Resort and Spa - Expansion Celebration
I started the week off by heading to Napa for a final planning meeting for the grand opening event on Friday. During that meeting I got a phone call from KGO-TV saying they wanted to come film a story on Tuesday. So it was back to Roseville Monday night to pack for the week (I had originally planned on leaving for Napa again on Thursday) and I was back in Napa Tuesday morning.
The KGO taping was fantastic and the story that ran gave all of the information it needed to about the resort and about downtown Napa.
As preparations came to a close on Friday we brought in a group of reporters and bloggers for a resort tour, wine tasting and lunch at Siena, before meeting more than 450 guests and media at the expansion grand opening celebration that took over all of the new spaces.As the party wound down we headed up to the Bacchus Suite, the resorts only two story room, for some drinks and more mingling.
Wine tasting was amazing. First we were treated like royalty at Artesa where we had lunch in the barrel room. Got an amazing tour at Regusci (and had a glass of $85 a bottle wine) and finished our day of tasting with a barrel tasting at Andretti. Once back at the resort the fun continued with an event and some bowling at Crush Ultra Lounge (I continued to be reminded that I'm not very good at bowling).
This morning it was a quick breakfast, then back to Roseville for church at Bayside and a reality check, grocery shopping at Sam's Club. Sadly, no personal chef at Fort Bradley.