Career Coaching at Bayside
*image from Bayside Church - Career Coaching As my search continues for the perfect job I decided to try out Bayside's Career Coaching program. A four-night series of 2 hour classes on everything from God's role in our lives and during difficult times, to developing a personal marketing plan, networking, interviewing and perhaps most importantly how to stay positive and motivated. What did I learn? Well I learned that I was actually doing a lot of things right, I had a consistent brand ("MrAndrewBradley" is everywhere after all) I had reached out to lots of friends from various companies letting them know I was looking for work, I was applying to jobs, I was going out on interviews and wasn't giving up. All of that helped me to stay positive and realize that I am not alone in my job search. I was also reminded that I needed to keep expanding my network by meeting with even more people and arranging " informational interviews " with CEO's and o...