Placer Food Bank and Wine Tasting

As part of the marketing and communications team for the Placer Food Bank (which actually covers more than just Placer County) I got to attend an evening open house at the Food Bank. We wanted to showcase everything that the food bank does for those in need within the community and let people see the warehouse that helps feed thousands everyday.

After that event I was able to head to Lincoln's Fresh&Easy to pick up four bottles of Big Kahuna wines for a "Taste & Tweet" party. The aim of the project for Fresh&Easy is to invite bloggers/Twitter users to share their experiences online in a group setting and also share their thoughts with their readers and followers. The theme of the night "Chuck the Chuck" ... all wines were just $1.99 and for the price point the four I tasted were all very good. I'm not a huge fan of whites, but at $1.99 I'll drink to just about anything and both the Crisp White and Chardonnay did the trick. The reds, a Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon, were also very good. I enjoyed the wines with Ray Young and we finished the bottle of Cab, I have the other three to work on at my house for the next few days. While at the store I also shopped for some snacks, chocolate mainly, but also some packages of trail mix that I'll take on the flight to Europe in a few weeks. 24 hours of travel = I'll need some snacks.


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