Halloween, Happy Hour, Car Repair and a Movie
It has been far from a typical week. Starting with handing out candy on Halloween last week to kids was great, however the rain ended the night early, leaving me with candy that had to be eaten before it went bad (it's all been safely eaten now). To wrap up the work week my office headed to Tahoe Joe's for some appetizers (too cold for our original plan, mini-golf). Then it was my car's turn. A few months ago my dad heard a weird noise, when I took it in for an oil change and said there was weird noise, the problem was officially diagnosed and it got fixed (under warranty) this week. The two day repair meant I got to see my car while it was at the "doctor's office" and allowed me to drive the smallest car ever, a Toyota Yaris, barely large enough to fit my gym and work bags in. Wanting to avoid all things election (I didn't post anything on Facebook or Twitter about my political viewpoints), I also avoided election night politics on TV by seeing ARGO with my roommate. Fantastic movie, great way to avoid watching wall-to-wall political coverage and, most importantly, very close to OMG Yogurt, my favorite fro yo shop in the Roseville/Rocklin area.