The New Terminal B at Sacramento International Airport - SMF

For $1 billion I knew it was going to be amazing, I just didn't know what to expect. The new Terminal B at the Sacramento International Airport has been needed for decades and under-construction for a few years. Today they let the public come in and take a tour. The Central Terminal includes check-in, baggage claim, a few restaurants and a relaxation area with rocking chairs for people to watch  the airplanes go by. Oh, it also includes a giant red rabbit. Nothing says "Welcome to Sacramento" like a giant red rabbit, almost as good as the oddly colored Tower Bridge that spans the Sacramento River between Sacramento and West Sacramento. All of that said, the central terminal is beautiful, large, functional and seemed like it would be pretty relaxing and inviting for all air travelers.

Once you've checked-in, it's time to take the monorail/people mover to Terminal B. This is where you finally go through security (which was beautiful today ... there wasn't any ... although the TSA and Sac Sheriff were present). Terminal B is also home to many of Sacramento's favorite, locally owned restaurants including Esquire Grill, Burgers and Brew, and Cafeteria 15L. One of my favorite parts of the new space, many of the seating areas include outlets to charge laptops, iPads, phones and other devices. Outlets are normally almost impossible to find in airports. For more information on The Big Build, check out The Sacramento Bee.

Although not every airline will be flying out of the new Terminal B, Terminal A is still pretty nice and I like the giant stack of luggage in baggage claim.

Some fun facts:
3,000,000+ labor hours were used to construct the Terminal and Concourse (725,000 square feet)
68,000 board feet of reclaimed redwood was used in the terminal ceiling
6 acres of terrazzo flooring and 2 acres of stainless steel roofing make up The Big Build
14,000+ light fixtures illuminate the terminal
44 seconds - time it takes to go 900 feet from the Terminal to the Concourse on the monorail


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