The Roseville Galleria Re-Opens

It has been almost a year since the debacle that was the Galleria fire. There was the "Rebuilding Together" and "My Mall" campaigns (I still have my t-shirt and still wear it to the gym) and there was me helping to let everyone know that the mall was partially re-opening. Today, the Roseville Galleria "re-opened." I'm using quotes because as you can see by the photos there are still quite a few "coming soon" store fronts, which was a little disappointing. I hope they will all be able to open before the true start of the holiday shopping season.

Now for the good ... the Disney Store is amazing, they have movies playing in the hallway, so you're welcome to park the kids (and I presume husband) there for awhile. The mall has two kid/family play areas, once again another place to park (or bribe) the non-shoppers. The mall seemed to be brighter than it used to and there were newly designed light fixtures hanging from the ceiling (I think, I really cannot remember what the lights looked like over a year ago). The outside of the Victoria's Secret store looked nice and the balloon trees were awesome. Another cool thing, they will have an ice rink for the winter (see photo).

The bad ... some stores are still opening soon. There was a Zumba class going on, that was just odd to me. There are also unconfirmed rumors that although the Galleria increased security during the reconstruction, they might be going back to pre-fire levels within the next few days. I hope this isn't true, tonight I saw a lot of security walking throughout the mall and Westfield staff was at every entrance handing out brochures and welcoming everyone back to the mall.

Two other things of note opened today. The new Terminal B at the Sacramento International Airport and on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, a 99 Cent Only Store opened in Roseville. To my knowledge the 99 Cent Store was the only one that had people camping out in-front of it for days (they were waiting for a $0.99 TV).

Here are some pictures from my trip to the mall earlier this evening.


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