Luis Palau Sacramento Festival
Before the festival I met with the media relations director and gave him all of my Sacramento area media contacts. He was able to connect with each of them and get some great coverage of the event. Since I wasn't leading media relations efforts, it allowed me to focus on my other passion ... TWITTER. From Saturday morning to Monday morning I ran the @SacramentoFest Twitter account, posting hundreds of photos and updates, responded to questions and retweeted people sharing their views and pictures with others at the Festival or those who were following from around the world.
With more than 400 tweets and 150 pictures taken (most tweeted), I may have gone a little overboard, but I did raise the accounts Klout score from 48 to 52, meaning my tweets were well received by followers and the accounts influence grew during the festival. Running Twitter did provide a few benefits ... free food, as much water as I needed (also free), free parking, a spot to charge my phone (during one 45 minute period at the end of the Festival I used almost 40 percent of my battery life), a chance to see the entire festival and I got to meet Phil Wickham for the second time (I drove him from Bayside to his hotel a few years ago, I don't think he remembered me).
It was a great event to be a part of and I was glad to use my talented thumbs to Tweet during it.